Thursday, November 6, 2014

5 Easy Tips For Safely Packing Jewelry

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You're heading out on a business trip—or even better: vacation—and you're not leaving without your accessories! But you can't just drop diamonds in a suitcase. You need a plan. One that keeps all your jewelry together without letting it rub against anything abrasive. Here are five tips that make it easy.
  • Tiny plastic bags Get a pack of small, clear, zip-close bags for separate pieces of jewelry, which you can then drop into a larger bag to keep it all together. You can usually find the small bags at craft stores.
  • Index cards Use a safety pin to poke rows of holes in an index card, and stick your earrings through it. Wrap the whole thing in a soft cloth or drop it in a zip-close bag to keep them from rubbing against anything else.
  • Drinking straws Slip chain necklaces through drinking straws and clasp the ends closed to prevent the chains from tangling up. You can cut the straws to size, if necessary.
  • Seven-day pill cases Store individual pieces in each pill compartment; this keeps them from rubbing against each other, and makes daily outfit planning easy. You can even get the whopping 21-compartment morning-noon-and-night versions, stashing earrings in the morning cubby, necklaces for noon and bracelets for evening.
  • Roll up travel bags There are bags specifically for packing jewelry; usually made of canvas, with multiple clear plastic zipper compartments perfect for stashing individual pieces of jewelry. They lay flat when open and roll up small when closed.

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