Thursday, November 6, 2014

How to wear a big necklace: 6 Important Tips

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One of the main trends of the summer – massive necklaces. But with such a decoration should be handled carefully, one wrong move and your image will be overloaded, and the wrong combination of colours will cause dissonance. Let’s see how and what you need to properly combine this accessory.

1. neckline. At all times, women tried to draw special attention to this area. And the big necklace – the best way to do it. On the neckline combines virtually any shape and size of the necklace, so refer only to their taste.

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2. Another easy and popular way combination – tank top or t-shirt, especially with a plunging neckline. In such a cut perfectly fits necklace round shape, as well as several strands of large pearls, chains and pendants are massive.


3. shirt or blouse. Usually blouses to wear necklaces, lockets and cameos, they look great in the corners of the collar. With the shirts also look good decoration of large flat stones, which reach up to the third button.


4. Dress. It all depends on the solemnity of dress and form of the cut. It is best to stick to harmony: V-neck cut is combined with long layered jewellery that can fill it up from the collarbone to the waist. The square-cut neckline or boat can be decorated with beads round, stranded in layers, as well as all kinds of necklaces made ​​of stones, their shape, there may be any.

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5. jacket. Necklace under jacket to choose carefully, because the vertical and horizontal lapel necklaces in one set can cause controversy. It is best to stay on the decoration of the same shade as the whole outfit, then it will not get out of the picture. From jackets are perfectly combined long strands of chains, pendants and pendants worn all together.


6. Sweater. Depending on the model and the neckline sweater you can wear as a pendant with a large hippie symbols and luxurious jewels on rough metal base. The main thing – to avoid the stylistic differences.

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